Depressed Button

Open a new image with white or transparent background. Choose a color for the foreground and black for the background. Use the selection tool to make a circle. Flood fill with a Sunburst Gradient:
Tolerance 200, Opacity 100, Options; Vertical=20 and Horizontal=30.

Add a new layer. Choose Selections/Modify/Contract=16, then Selections/Modify/Feather=10. Now flood fill with a reversed Sunburst Gradient,
settings; Vertical=80 and Horizontal=70. Click once, or more for a more depressed button.
Flood Fill One Time Flood Fill Three Times

You can experiment with number of pixels contracted and feathered to get different effects. This one has no feather:

These buttons are great for mouseover effects.

Tutorial Home
See Abstract Dimensions for more on how to make depressable buttons!

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