Mercury Text

Open a new image with a white background to fit your text. Choose a soft, rounded font for this technique. Remember that Mercury is a liquid metal. With the foreground and background selected as white, add your text. Do not deselect until the end.
Choose Selections/Modify/Feather=5 pixels. Now set your foreground to Light Blue: Hue=120, Sat=240, Lum=180, Red=128, Green=255, Blue=255 Now choose Image/Effects/Cutout with settings; Shadow=Foreground, Blur=15, Opacity=100 Offsets are both=1
Set your background to Medium Brown: Hue=20, Sat=240, Lum=60, Red=128, Green=64, Blue=0 And again choose Image/Effects/Cutout with settings; Shadow=Background, Blur=15, Opacity=100 and Offsets are both=-1.
Change the foreground color to white and choose Image/Other/Hotwax Coating.
Followed by Image/Sharpen/Sharpen More (two times), and you are done.

See Cheap Tricks for PSP for more tutorials.

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