
Open a new image that will hold your text (use a thicker font) Background=black and Foreground=dark grey.
Use the airbrush tool settings;
Size=200, Shape=Round, Opacity=100, Texture=Clouds
Make 2-3 quick brushes across your text.
Select Image/Plugin/Filter Factory A/Pool Shadow, settings=default.
Now select Image/Plugin/Filter Factory A/Mirror, Mirror filter settings= default.
Then Colors/Adjust/Brightness and Contrast settings; Brightness=20, Contrast=-5.

Choose Image/Effects/Cutout, the settings I used for the next step were;
First cut:
Shadow=Black Opacity=100 Blur=30, Offsets both=1
Second cut:
Shadow=White, Offsets both=-1
Third cut:
Shadow=White, Offsets both=1
Fourth cut:
Shadow=Black, Offsets both=-1

Again select Colors/Adjust/Brightness and Contrast settings; Brightness=20, Contrast=-5. Do this twice.
Now select Colors/Histogram/Equalize.
Select Image/Other/Hot Wax Coating with the foreground=white.
And finally Colors/Negative Image.

This tutorial was written by Dawn Ball. See it and some alterations at Chuck Dale's site.

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