
Open a bright yellow 200x200 24 bit image.
Set the foreground color to white, select the line tool and draw a 1 pixel wide line as shown below.
With the magic wand select the lower half of the image below the white line. Select the Flood Fill tool: Mode=RGB Mode, Tolerance=0, Fill=Solid Color. Click anywhere in the lower part of the image to fill it with white
Select a darker shade of yellow. Select the Paint Brushes tool: Brush=Normal, Size=1, Shape=Round, Texture=None, and draw a semi-circle from the lower corner as shown below.
Select the Line tool: Width=3. Draw a line from the top of the circular line to the lower corner of the image. Draw another line from the lower corner of the yellow area to the lower corner of the image as shown below.
Now select a color between the two yellows. Fill in the area between the two lines, to give the note a shadow effect.
Choose a really pale shade of the yellow (almost white). Select the Line tool and draw a line from the circular line to the lower corner of the image.
Choose Image/Blur More-twice to give the curl a soft blend. Select the Magic Wand tool and select the curl.
Now you can add text or an image to make it your own...
You could try this with a photo. Selecting the areas to flood fill are a little more difficult, you may have to do a section at a time and adjust the tolerance on your magic wand tool. I started the roll in shades of gray, but after I was finished I adjusted the RBG values to give it this blue tone.

See this and other great tutorials at T. Michael Clark & GrafX Design.

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