
Open your both of your images.
On the reflecting surface, select the area the image is to appear. You can do this with either the lasso tool, or for a finer cut follow the red instructions below...
Pick a foreground color that is very different from any color in the image. Outline the reflecting surface with a 1 pixel wide line, by using either the paintbrush tool or the line tool. Then using the Magic Wand tool with Tolerance=100, Feather=0, select the reflecting surface. Hold down the shift key while you click in the reflecting area. This adds to the selection as you pick the areas not yet selected. If the selection escapes, simply click the undo button and reduce the tolerance until the total selection is inside the colored line, or use the other selection tools (still holding down the "Shift" button) to add to the selection. Work it until the entire area inside the colored lines are selected.
Once you have your reflective area selected choose Selections/Modify/Feather=1. Go to Selections/Save to disk (as reflection.sel). Next choose Colors/Adjust/Brightness and Contrast settings; about 10 (depending on how dark your images are). Now deselect Selections/Select None.
Now, open the reflected image. Choose Image/Resize and make the height equal to the height of the original and maintaining the aspect ratio. Go to Selections/Load from disk and load the reflection.sel into it, this will be used to cut-out the reflected image. Adjust the selection so what you want reflected is in the selection. (If you choose the move tool and hold the right mouse button down inside the selection you can move the selection to the proper position without tearing up your image.) Now Edit/Copy this selection. Then paste it as a new layer over your other image. Move it to the proper position.
With the layer control panel adjust the opacity of the new layer until it looks like a reflection in the original image (opacity=~25-45).

I got this idea from Sumrall Works Buttonhole.

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