Open the image of your text, make sure colors are increased to 16
million (Colors/Increase Color Depth/16 Million Colors 24-bit). Make a copy of it.
Edit/Copy, Edit/Paste as New Image. |
Apply the Image/Deformations/Skew filter settings; Horizontal=30 to 45.
Make sure there is enough space around your image, as this filter may shift your image off
the screen. |
Next Image/Blur/Blur More. Do this as many times as you like, I only
did it one time. |
Now Apply your text image over this blurred image. Edit/Paste as
Transparent Image (make sure the background of your image is selected as the background
for the color palette). Line up the images' edges. |
Now we need to to a little editing to the original image so, Edit/Paste
as New Image. We need to crop this image as tight as possible along the bottom. After you
do this then Edit/Copy, and you can get rid of this image. |
Now Edit/Paste as New Layer. |
On new layer apply Image/Flip to invert the image so it will be the
reflection. With the Move Tool, nudge the inverted image so it's edge is lined up with the
other edges. |
On the layer control panel adjust the opacity of this new layer to
about 50 or 60 (or whatever makes your image look like a reflection). |
Here is an image on a black background. Notice I left out the shadow
behind the text. |
On this image I applied a motion blur (Image/Blur/Motion Blur settings;
45 degrees, 5 pixels) and then I adjusted the layer opacity. |