Reflection Shadow Text

Open a new image large enough to hold your text. Apply your text the same color as your background. Do not deselect the text.

Apply Selections/Modify/Feather about 10 pixels.
Using the flood fill tool settings; Pattern, Tolerance=200 fill your text once.

Next Image/Others/Hot Wax Coating, then deselect.

Now lay down the same text again...

...and flood fill with the same pattern.

Apply Image/Effects/Cutout settings; Shadow=black, Opacity=100, Blur=7, Both Offsets=-2.

Finalize with Image/Sharpen/Sharpen More, then deselect.

With this image I used a more granular background. With the red image I did not use the Hot Wax Coating on the background, and with the blue image I did.

You can do the same thing with a black background with some minor alterations to the procedure.
With this image I did not apply the Hot Wax Coating to the shadow, instead I darkened it by Colors/Adjust/Brighten and Contrast settings; Contrast=0, Brighten=-20. When I applied the Cutout to the foretext, I did it twice. Then Sharpen More as normal.

I adapted this tutorial from Jo Ann Karaffa.

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