Basics on Brushes

Other Brush Types

Eraser tool:This tool replaces colors in an image with the background/foreground color in the color palette (on background layers) or with a transparency (raster layers). See Samples.This link will open a new browser window. When you are finished viewing the samples just close the new browser.

Flood Fill: allows you to completely fill an image or selection with a new color, gradient or pattern.

Picture Tubes: You can paint with a collection of objects without having to create them. It is like a rubber stamp. These are saved as TUB files in the Tube folder of PSP6. These objects are arranged in rows (cells) and columns. You can control which object appears by changing the settings in the Selection mode in the options dialog box. You can also change the size of the object in the Scale box (10-250% of its original size), Placement Mode either random or continuous, or the Step (the distance between images as they are painted to your image). In the Selection Mode you can choose what image in the tube is painted by several methods: Random, Incremental (a repeated sequence), Angular (determined by the direction you drag the mouse), Velocity (determined by the speed you drag the mouse), and Pressure (for those who have pressure sensitive drawing tablets). PSP5 tube files can be converted into PSP6 tube files through the converter utility that PSP6 provides. Go to my tutorial on Creating and Editing Picture Tubes for more.

Shape Presets: This tool allows you to draw simple shapes precisely.

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